Are Home Security Cameras a Breach of Privacy for House Sitters?
If you’re heading away on holidays, home security cameras can provide peace of mind and valuable monitoring. If you have booked a House Sitter to come and stay, how do you balance home security and monitoring of pets, with house sitter privacy?
In Australia, the Privacy Act doesn’t cover a security camera operated by an individual acting in a private capacity however, state or territory laws could be applicable.
When installing surveillance cameras it is important to assess how they are positioned. For example, the Queensland Criminal Code Section 227A of the Criminal Code makes it an offence to video record people without their consent in places where they would expect to be private, such as a bedroom, bathroom, or change room.
Daily Photo Updates
Some sharing economy platforms may insist the Sitter provide daily photo updates, along with well being, activity, feeding, and watering reports.
The way forward
In order for Property Owners to have a balanced conversation with a House Sitter, our tips are:
- DO ensure the house sitter understands the cameras’ purpose and limitations.
- DO obtain written consent on the platform as early as possible, prior to the booking being paid for.
- DO consider only activating motion-triggered alerts rather than continuous recording.
- DO offer the option to disable or cover certain cameras if the house sitter feels uncomfortable.
- DO consider alternative security such as smart locks which provide logs of when someone is coming in and out of your property
- DON’T place cameras in private areas like bedrooms or bathrooms.
With open communication and mutual understanding, it’s possible to use home security cameras with a house sitter in a way that respects everyone.
PetCloud is a national sharing economy platform with a strong focus on animal welfare, police checked Sitters, offers RSPCA Qld Animal Care training, and provides pet accident insurance cover, and a fast, free jobs board. Pet Owners love making an impact on animal welfare when they book their Pet’s care through PetCloud.
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