Axolotl’s eating feet – Wonder In Nature

Do axolotl’s eat each others feet and gill floof? Is it normal and just who they are? Or do they only do it in certain conditions?

Axolotl’s will only eat each others limbs if they are not fed enough, making them too hungry or if you put two different sized axolotl’s together. Cramped conditions can also make it more likely as they may accidentally bite each other while going for food. It’s not something we should just accept as normal and just something they do. If your lotl’s are actively eating each other, please make some changes.

When we got our first axolotl, Axel, from an accidental breeder. He was missing his legs and had a piece missing from his tail. When I saw the ad, I saw that none of the babies had any limbs at all. I brought him home and fed him soon after putting him into his new tank. He grabbed the food so fast and just kept eating so much, it was obvious that he was starving.

A week later we got a second lotl from a reputable breeder, experienced. He was bigger, even though he was 4 months younger and had all his limbs. This lotl had been fed enough and wasn’t in cramped conditions, the difference was clear.

We knew they only eat limbs if they’re hungry and cramped, so we made sure from the beginning, we offered food twice a day. After a couple of weeks, Axels legs started to grow back, then his toes and his tail filled out again. He’s feet aren’t fully grown in yet, but its wonderful to see they’re nearly there.

Our lotl’s haven’t ever tried or felt the need to eat each other and we are so happy seeing them both thriving now.

This experience with our two axolotls has shown such a clear difference to us in care and meeting their needs. Raising babies takes a lot of care and time. If you have an accidental clutch, please either freeze the eggs to humanely cull them or contact an axolotl rescue to take them in or to give you correct information on raising them.