Why Regular Check-Ups For Your Furry Friend Are Important

There’s nothing worse than having to make an emergency trip to the vet when your pet is unwell. It’s stressful, costly, and signals that your pet may have been in pain for some time. 

From keeping up-to-date with vaccinations to identifying unusual bumps and lumps, this article looks at why an annual check-up with your vet is crucial to a pet’s health and well-being, particularly as they age.

Why Vets Recommend an Annual Check-Up for Cats and Dogs 

Regular visits to the vet mean your pet will be more comfortable in its surroundings should it ever need emergency medical care. It’s also an opportunity for your pet (and you) to get to know your veterinarian and for your vet to get to know your pet. 

The prevention and early detection of illnesses can help you avoid emergency trips to the surgery when health problems are at a more serious stage and ensure your pet is not suffering in silence. Problems that are identified early on are more likely to have successful treatment outcomes. 

What Will Your Veterinarian Look at During a Check-Up?

A vet check-up is an opportunity to detect any health conditions in your pet before they become serious or cause further health issues. This also provides you with peace of mind that, as a pet owner, you are providing the best possible care for your furry friend. Here are some things your veterinarian will look at during a routine check-up.

Disease prevention 

A wellness appointment involves your veterinarian asking about your cat or dog’s medical history and any medication they take. It’s a time to outline any health concerns you have and for your vet to check for any signs and symptoms of disease. Your pet will undergo a thorough examination. The vet will feel their abdomen, check their skin, ears, and coat, look for signs of discomfort, and order any further tests they think may be required.  


A check-up is also a great opportunity to make sure your cat or dog is up-to-date with the necessary vaccinations that protect them from life-threatening diseases. It’s also the time to get advice on any other vaccines that pets require that they may not have had previously. For example, if you regularly take your dog to dog parks, you’ve moved to the country, or you’re planning on taking your cat or dog overseas, they may require vaccination for canine parainfluenza virus or leptospirosis.

Dental examination

The condition of your pet’s teeth is a great indication of their overall well-being. Poor oral health can make it difficult for them to receive an adequate amount of nutrition. It can also lead to behavioural problems. A check-up allows your vet to discuss dental care and having your pet’s teeth professionally cleaned. It’s recommended this occurs approximately once a year. 

Parasite control 

Parasites such as ticks, fleas, and worms aren’t just uncomfortable for your pet; they can also cause serious diseases. Having a regular check-up allows your veterinarian to check pets for parasites and recommend vaccines, medication, and grooming methods to keep them happy and healthy.  

Nutrition and weight monitoring 

Weight is a key indicator of your pet’s overall health and well-being. Weight loss or gain can be signs your pet is suffering from parasites or disease. A check-up allows your vet to discuss pet nutrition and diet and suggest any changes that need to be made to prevent obesity and other health issues. Your vet can also give you advice on exercise needs, which is an important factor for your pet’s mental well-being. 


Even small changes to a pet’s routine or behaviour can signal health issues. Aggression could be a sign your dog is experiencing discomfort. Lethargy may indicate they are suffering from an underlying disease. If you’ve noticed any changes in your cat or dog’s mood or behaviours, be sure to mention these during check-ups.  

Why the Frequency of Vet Visits is Important 

An animal can hide an illness for some time. It’s important to have your pet checked over by a veterinarian at least once a year. Vet check-ups should take place more regularly if your pet has known medical issues so your vet can give you guidance on monitoring these. If your pet is in its senior years, twice-yearly vet check-ups are recommended. 

Vet check-ups at different stages of life 

Caring for a puppy or kitten is different to caring for a senior dog or cat. Use a check-up as an opportunity to discuss the changing needs of your pet with your vet. 

The Best Sydney Vet to Keep Your Pet in Check

Scheduling regular check-ups for your pet can help prevent health issues that affect its lifespan and quality of life. From diet tips to blood tests, booking a check-up with a veterinarian can help you to keep on top of your pet’s health, so it lives a long and happy life. 

At Rossmore Veterinary Hospital, we pride ourselves on providing high-quality veterinary services for all types of pets at all stages of life. Our AQIS-accredited vets have access to the latest specialised equipment to ensure your pet receives the best possible care.