How to Safely Walk a Bull Arab Dog
Bull Arab dogs are powerful, energetic, and have a high prey drive, making them both wonderful companions and a challenge to walk. Originally bred as hunting dogs, they’re known for their strength, agility, and keen instincts, which can sometimes lead to reactivity towards smaller animals. Ensuring your Bull Arab has a safe and controlled walk is key to their well-being and your peace of mind.
Understanding the Strength and Prey Drive of Bull Arab Dogs
Bull Arabs can weigh up to 50 kg and possess significant muscular strength. Their hunting lineage gives them a high prey drive, meaning they might see smaller dogs, cats, or even children as something to chase. Walking such a powerful dog requires not only physical strength but also keen observation skills to anticipate potential triggers. If your dog jerks suddenly towards prey or a distraction, it can easily lead to shoulder dislocation or a dangerous situation for you or others.
Choosing the Right Dog Walking Equipment
Option 1: Dog Harness with a Front Clip
For Bull Arabs, a front-clip harness is the best starting point. This type of harness allows you to steer your dog’s direction with less force, helping you maintain better control without putting pressure on their neck. The front-clip design discourages pulling by gently redirecting their forward momentum, making walks more manageable.
Option 2: Head Halters
While head halters are often recommended for large, strong dogs, they should not be the first option. Many dogs, including Bull Arabs, find them uncomfortable, and forcing a dog to wear one without proper conditioning can cause stress and frustration. It’s crucial to introduce a head halter slowly, and ideally, only under the guidance of a force-free trainer or veterinary behaviourist. Patience is key, allowing your dog time to adapt.
Option 3: A Well-Fitted Basket Muzzle
If your Bull Arab shows signs of reactivity towards other dogs, a well-fitted basket muzzle can be an excellent training tool. Unlike restrictive muzzles, a basket muzzle allows your dog to pant, drink, and take treats comfortably, making it a safer option during walks. Muzzles, when used correctly, can assist in teaching your dog to remain calm and help prevent sudden reactions to small animals or unfamiliar dogs.
The Importance of choosing Professional Dog Walkers
Bull Arabs require more than just a casual stroll—they need a strong, experienced handler who can quickly react in unexpected situations. Walking a Bull Arab is not just about maintaining control; it’s about being able to anticipate triggers and avoid dangerous situations before they arise.
If your dog spots something to chase, a sudden jerk could leave you unprepared, and their sheer strength could lead to injuries to you, such as a dislocated shoulder, or injuries and even death to other dogs or children.
There are legal and financial consequences if your dog attacks a person or animal. You may be liable for tens of thousands of dollars in fines. Your dog may be seized and euthanised. You may also have to pay compensation for any damage or loss of life caused by your dog to the other person, as ordered by a court.
That’s why choosing a professional dog walker with experience in handling large, strong breeds is essential. Yes, you may have to pay a slightly higher fee for professional, experienced, large dog handlers, than ‘hobbyist’ dog walkers, but its better than suffering financial loss, injuries, and death.
A professional walker knows how to stay calm under pressure, respond swiftly to any situation, and prevent accidents before they happen.
Why Choose Expert Professional Dog Walkers through PetCloud?
We understand the unique needs of Bull Arab dogs. PetCloud’s platform has a network of professional dog walkers is experienced with large, powerful breeds and trained to handle dogs with high prey drives. They know how to control a Bull Arab while ensuring the dog’s safety and comfort, so you can trust that your pet is in capable hands.
Dog Walkers on PetCloud don’t just focus on controlling the dog; they anticipate potential triggers, giving them the upper hand in preventing any dangerous situations. Whether it’s walking your Bull Arab in a calm environment or helping them adapt to new training equipment like harnesses or muzzles, our professional walkers provide the care and attention your dog deserves.
Walking a Bull Arab can be challenging, but with the right equipment and an experienced handler, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for both you and your dog. Always consider using a front-clip harness and, when necessary, a basket muzzle to help train and control your Bull Arab. And when it comes to selecting a dog walker, choose someone who has the strength, experience, and quick reflexes to handle such a powerful breed.
With PetCloud’s network of expert dog walkers, you can rest easy knowing that your Bull Arab will get the care they need on every walk. Ready to book a professional? Visit PetCloud today to find an experienced dog walker near you!
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